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Horfield Dental Care, 525 Gloucester Road, Bristol, BS7 8UG


Tooth Extraction

If any of your natural teeth become too decayed or damaged to be saved, tooth extraction may be necessary to preserve the health of your adjacent teeth and gums.

Common reasons for tooth extraction include:

  • Infection: If tooth decay reaches the pulp, infection can result. While this situation is usually treated with root canal therapy, occasionally the infection is so advanced that extraction may be required to prevent it from spreading.
  • Periodontal (gum) disease: If the bone and tissue surrounding your teeth have become infected, your dentist may recommend extraction.
  • Crowded teeth: Sometimes teeth need to be extracted to prepare your mouth for orthodontic treatment. Likewise, if a tooth can’t erupt through the gum due to lack of room, extraction may be required.

Prior to your treatment, your dentist will examine the tooth and the surrounding tissues to assess their condition and determine the best method of restoring the extracted tooth.

The Extraction Process Explained

Before removing the tooth, your dentist will use a local anaesthetic to numb your tooth, gums, and jawbone. As a result, you should not feel any pain during the procedure.

Once the compromised tooth is removed, we will apply a gauze for you to bite down on to control bleeding. You will rest and recuperate in our office until you are ready to be discharged. Postoperative care includes plenty of rest, occasionally antibiotics and pain medication as needed, and special care for the extraction site.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Of all your teeth, wisdom teeth are the last to erupt. If they are properly aligned and surrounded by healthy gum tissue, they rarely cause problems. But if they do not erupt correctly or become impacted, problems like infection, swelling, and pain result. In really severe cases, cysts or tumours form around the teeth, destroying the jawbone and any adjacent healthy teeth. The recommended treatment for these dental emergencies is extraction of the wisdom teeth.

All extractions are performed under the appropriate type of anaesthesia to ensure your comfort. Afterwards, we will give you detailed instructions for the care of your mouth during the recovery period.

If you are experiencing pain or swelling and wonder if a tooth extraction might be necessary, call Horfield Dental Care immediately, so we can get you on the road to recovery.

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